

Connect 4

Connect for was one of the great 80s games. Its greatness was due to its simplicity. Also, apologies due to the lack of posts recently. This is due to starting my new job this week. I have not had much time to post, so I am afraid that this one is also short.

Pretty much everything I, and no doubt you also loved about this game can be remembered by playing it right now against the computer!

Just click here to play right now.


Next posts will be about a classic 80s movie so watch this space!


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the link to Connect Four! I loved that game. Not as good as I used to be the computer just beat me!

Anonymous said...

no worries! great game. I just had another go - that computer is good. He beat me too :-(

Life in the 80's

Viagra Discount said...

an old game, just to remember our times when we was young, I think that I had this game , I played many hours with my brother, we had an excellent relationship because the game gave it!

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